LJ1: Creating a Baseline

LJ1: Creating a Baseline

Getting to know me


I'm Sonia Greengrass. Some fun facts about me are that I am the mother to 3 amazing daughters, I've been married for 26 years and I may also be the first Spanish speaking Native American (Ho-chunk Nation) you may meet! 

I hope you all are excited to begin blogging...I know, I'm not...Introduction's are the worst, the first few moments when I meet someone new I just hope I can remember their name, and hope I have some common shared interest. Luckily, for me I'm surrounded by some amazing fellow nurses! 

Speaking of I've been a nurse for many moons and although I may be biased, I think my career has been the BEST! I have been a Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse, Transport Nurse Clinician and even explored mid-level management as a RN Lead. 

I had to switch it up a bit from the ambulance chaser that I was because my mind says one thing and my body screams another. I can no longer code patients in moving vehicles anymore. I have toned it down a notch but I still get to have fun but it's just on a smaller size scale as a CVOR RN. 

What can you expect from me?

I'm hoping to share, what I have been learning, reading and researching on sustainability.  Let's create some dialogue, with honest open communication, and a few laughs in between.  

Will Allen in a Growing Power greenhouse. (Photo credit: Growing Power)


Will Allen, author of the 2012 book The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities, co-written with Charles Wilson, is an important figure in the American urban farming movement. Allen did try to navigate the corporate world, after years of climbing that ladder, Allen realized that the corporate world wasn't for him. But he was pulled into a direction that he didn't see himself in either, he found himself farming full time.

Will is a brilliant self starter, he seen a needs assessment for the people in his community which inspired him to grow fresh food and sell it to the local community member's. Will took action to make his vision a reality! He truly is a pioneer of urban agriculture. If you haven't read this book, I highly suggest you start!

What is sustainability?

Sustainability can mean lots of things to different people and I know since we began reading about this I've heard there is sustainable cotton, coffee and cutlery. Bright ideas and some of them are making me feel why didn't I think of that! 

The USEPA Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations. 

What is Technology?

Technology is an umbrella term that describes innovation that considers natural resources and fosters economic and social development. The goal of these technologies is to drastically reduce environmental and ecological risks and to create a sustainable product. 


Environmental Justice

USEPA Definition Environmental Justice (EJ) is defined as the equal treatment and involvement of all people in environmental decision making.Inspired by the Civil Rights movement, EJ became widespread in the 1980s at the intersection of environmentalism and social justice.Environmental injustice is experienced through heightened exposure to pollution and corresponding health risks, limited access to adequate environmental services, and loss of land and resource rights. EJ and sustainability are interdependent and both necessary to create an equitable environment for all.


Chris Jordan

I found this great article on artist Chris Jordan and i find he is truly and remarkable artist. His fine detail of intricate pieces to pull together is masterpieces is amazing! Jordan's work is remarkable, extremely symbolic and it screams...Take Action People! Have you ever thought about whether or not the earth will be inhabitable in another 150 years? 

"Photographic artist Chris Jordan never ceases to amaze us with his clever pieces that allow people to “see” concepts that are often difficult to visualize. We submit for your viewing pleasure, his latest work, Gyre. Look familiar? The 8′ x 11′ triptych is based on the famous Japanese painting, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai. Instead of paint, the colors are composed of 2.4 million pieces of plastic – the estimated number of pounds of plastic that enter the world’s ocean’s every hour! Gyre is the first image in a mini-series that Jordan is creating about the Pacific Garbage Patch, and is named after the Pacific Gyre, a thousand miles wide ocean current which turns clockwise like a giant slow-motion whirlpool and concentrates tons of the world’s trash".


water as a sustainability topic

Water is LIFE! Reduce, reuse and recycle should be vital to life just like water is. It's sad, that a video has to stress the importance of littering. 

Water usage

If I had to guess, my water consumption it would be high. Due to the fact that I take hot baths 2-3 times a week. As an estimate, I could roughly guess it to be around 1,000 gallons.

I hope to get more information on my water consumption, as we further investigate this topic!

Moving forward, turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth. Let's help ensure there's enough clean water available for future generations. The Greengrass perspective of this Learning Journal's full length novel is brought to you by a very exhausted momma to a 11 year old who is suffering from bacterial infection in her GI system. While time was spent in the local ER this weekend, here I am by the skin of my teeth finishing this exhausting assignment blog. Be safe!


  1. Hi Sonia! It was great to read your blog and get to know more about you! As a fellow adrenalin chasing RN, I can 100% relate to your heart and mind wanting to do one thing and your body saying another. My back is trashed from turning larger, vented patients for years. I'm glad that you found a spot your enjoy in the OR! I thought your blog looked great and read easily, all great feats while taking care of a sick little one at home! I hope they're feeling better and everyone is able to get some rest. The part of your blog that struck me the most was the Chris Jordan picture that you chose. Maybe more so the detail of 2.4 million pieces of plastic that enter the ocean EVERY HOUR? I'm hoping that is world wide and not just in the one region. Either way it is terrible. I feel like we have forgotten our oceans are full of beautiful, living plants and animals. I always find it odd that we have the technology for electric cars and computers you can carry in your pocket but we cannot find a way to better manage garbage? really? Again, I thought your blog looked great. I'm excited to continue to learn and blog with you in this class.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Sonia! Whoop whoop to the daughter crew! Also, so amazing that you are the first Spanish speaking native American that I have met, this is very true. This blogging experience is different from the usual discussion post that we have been doing. I say it's a lot more work but I love seeing pictures of you and your ohana! It's always harder for us to all connect online since we don't personally see each other in person. You have a surplus amount of knowledge from the different departments you've worked in and even being in the level management as a RN lead! I am too nervous to do that, so props to you! Chris Jordan is an absolute GENIUS! I will say this to anyone who speaks his name since being introduced to his work. Trash overtakes our world, have you noticed how large our dump areas are in each county or city? They continue to grow and Chris's artwork showcases just how much trash is out there. I do love the image you chose to showcase, nothing like, "The Great Wave off Kanagawa". I like how you already knew your water waste was high, I thought mine was ok but turns out it's pretty high as well.

  4. Hi Sonia, I love the piece of Chris Jordan's work you chose. I love his style and how he is able to get his crucial and eye opening statistics pertaining to our world and pollution. Art work is another way to reach others who may not be open boring statistics. A whirlpool of trash is so tragic to think of the wildlife and our natural resources affected. As a fellow nurse nice to meet you. I look forward to sharing and learning with you.


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